Wonder, Words, and Lots of Color

Read-aloud of Original Story, Finley Follows Felicity
"Abbie, I was having a bad day. Your story about Finley the hedgehog helped."
-Valentin (5 years old)

Read-aloud and Sing-along: Pete the Cat by James Dean

Original Artwork from Emma and Frederick
"Abbie, you're my favorite author, and Emma and Frederick is my favorite book. Now, I want to be a writer too."
-Elius (7 years old)

Silly Read-aloud: What! Cried Granny by Kate Lum
"Your artwork brings such joy. Your art, Abbie, is truly a delightful stroll through childhood memories and sweet times of wonder!"
-James Hess (Father of 4)

"This is so precious! What an amazing artist you are! I teach 1st grade and I would love, love, love, to read your books."
-Christine Kovachik (Teacher)

Original Artwork from Amanzi's First Day
"I’m interested in buying one when you finish. I love elephants . . .and I have a great-niece on the way."
-Bobbie Blakely (Artist)

Original Artwork from Finley Follows Felicity

Shaky Eggs Dance: Song by Laurie Berkner
"You really nail it with the kids and their thoughts and feelings."
-Pia Vendelbjerg
(Social Educator)
Original Artwork from A Loving Touch
"Oh, tell me where to buy these books, Abbie!"
-Cathy Steeg
(Clinical Social Worker)

Original Artwork from Finley Follows Felicity
"So beautiful, Abbie! Let me know when they’re available for purchase."
-Meghan Loden (Mother of 3)
"Can't wait for the finsihed product."
-Judy Hillberg (Librarian)
“Every story begins with a quiet moment of noticing something small until its smallness becomes big. Just like stories, illustrations are safe places children can step into, walk around, think big thoughts, and feel big feelings.”
-Abbie Cooley Moegelvang-

"Of all the ways to spend a day, there is nothing I have ever loved more than reading to my children."
-Abbie Cooley Moegelvang-
"Your children's books are much needed in the world. Just Beautiful ."
Sarah Thurman (School Principal)